Sonagachi in Kolkata, is the home for prostitutes from different region of India, Nepal, Bangladesh etc. Many Bollywood as well as Hollywood films featured Sonagachi as one of its major themes in some of their movies.
Sonagachi is located in the heart of the world third largest city of the world, Kolkata. It one of the busiest part of the city and no passerby can understand the significance of the place, if he doesnt know about it.
The exact place where sonagachi is located in kolkata is called Sovabazar, previously known as sutanutti, which have great historical significance. The main road passing through the Brothel has no mark of the red-light area, there is a small corner lane in between the street which connect Girish park metro station to sovabazar metro station, and waking 5 minutes inside that lane, will take you to the world of darkness.
Child prostitutes of age nine or below to the prostitutes to the age of sixty frequents the place. Some are even married. There are dealers, homosexuals and other who are forbidden by society. There are small hotels, huts to satisfy the needs of the people frequenting the place.